Armani Luminous Silk Glow Blush

Armani is going to release a new blush.

The Silk Glow Blush will be available in 9 colors:

  • 10 Intimate
  • 11
  • 30 Offbeat
  • 40 Mania
  • 50 Euphoric
  • 51 Amore
  • 52 Ecstasy
  • 60 Mystery
  • 61

It is supposed to give you a luminous flush of color so natural that it looks like it’s coming from within.

The blush has a blurring effect and a subtle glow finish.

And it claims to be buildable, blendable, and last all day.

Where to buy the Armani Luminous Silk Glow Blush?

>> Lyko° <<

>> Sephora France° <<

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