BYREDO Remembrance Eyeshadow Palette

BYREDO has released a new large eyeshadow palette.

The Remembrance Eyeshadow Palette has the same format as the Flora Kalahari Palette.

It is inspired by „a remembrance of things past and a blending of colour and emotion“.

The palette contains 18 eye shadows in nude, rosé and brown tones.

The eyeshadows have matte and metallic finishes.

The packaging is made of mirrored steel and decorated with an image of Mnemosyne (n Greek mythology, the goddess of memory and mother of the muses).

The BYREDO Remembrance Eyeshadow Palette is a limited edition.

Where to buy the BYREDO Remembrance Eyeshadow Palette?

>> BYREDO° <<

>> Selfridges° <<

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