NÉONAIL Adventskalender 2022
Steckbrief NÉONAIL Adventskalender 2022:
- 24 Türchen
- enthält nur NÉONAIL Produkte
- Nagelprodukte
- Wert noch nicht bekannt
Genauer Inhalt - Achtung Spoiler!
- UV-Nagellack X-mas Magic (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Pajamas Mood (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Glimmering Snowflake (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Glitter First (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Home Alone (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Just One Thing (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack My Wish List (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack The Party’s On (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Cuddles & Bubbles (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Gave You My Heart (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Santa Is Coming! (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack X-Mas Lover (3 ml)
- Hybrid Varnish Modelling Base Calcium Flushed Pink (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Modelling Base Calcium Neutral Pink (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Top Glow Silver Flakes (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack Top Glow Get in the Sparkle (3 ml)
- UV-Nagellack SIMPLE XPRESS Santa-approved (7,2 g)
- UV-Nagellack SIMPLE XPRESS Gift-wrapped (7,2 g)
- Starshine Dust Effekt (2 g)
- Transferfolie 02 Rose
- Nailart Carousell
- Shock Me Mascara Mini (5 ml)
- Handcreme (15 ml)
- NEONAIL-Kosmetiktasche
Hier bekommst du den NÉONAIL Adventskalender 2022:
NEONAIL Advent Calendar Adventskalender